Our Property Funds

Our Property Funds:

The Veuve Property Group is the trustee and/or investment manager of the following specialist childcare development and investment property trusts:

Veuve Education Fund:

The Veuve Education Fund (VEF or the Fund) has been established to acquire and hold for income purposes a portfolio of existing and new early learning centres. VEF has been established as a Core Plus fund (Growth and Income) focused on acquiring a mix of existing and new centres which may be acquired on a land purchase and fund through to complete the development of the centre.

VEF is in the process of acquiring an initial portfolio of properties and issuing an Information Memorandum to wholesale or high net worth investors to raise the initial capital of the Fund.

VEF is an unregistered managed investment scheme with MARQ Private Funds Pty Ltd (MARQ) appointed to act as an independent Trustee of the Fund. MARQ has appointed Veuve Investment Management Pty Ltd (VIM) as the investment manager of the Fund (Manager) pursuant to an investment agreement.

Set out below is a chart reflecting the structure of the Fund:

Hume Childcare Trusts:

Veuve Group Holdings Pty Ltd has entered into an investment deed with Hume Partners Pty Ltd to acquire land in metropolitan areas of Melbourne and develop a number of early learning centres on behalf of their investors.

The first of these projects was a unique early learning centre in Oakleigh South, Victoria which was built with cross laminated timber panels. The centre was built by Atelier Projects Pty Ltd who have won the 2018 Best Sustainable Project Award at the Master Builders Victoria 2018 Excellence in Construction awards in August 2018. This centre opened in January 2018 and the property was sold in August 2018.
See: http://www.elcoakleighsouth.com.au/

Further projects are being undertaken in Doncaster and Heathmont in Victoria.

Veuve Investment Trust:

The Veuve Investment Trust (VIT) was established to acquire and convert and existing property in Coburg, Victoria into an early learning centre. The property comprises and existing two level building with a basement car park that is being converted into a 128 place early learning centre.

A feature of VIT is that the Trustee offered its private investors an interest in both the property (via the trust) and the operating business through VIT Operations (Holdings) Pty Ltd (VITO), which in turn holds an equity interest in the tenant entity that will operate the centre. Equity in VIT and VITO has been “stapled” providing investors with an enhanced return.


Veuve Education Trust:

The Veuve Education Trust (VET) was established in late 2014 to acquire land and develop early learning centres in an alliance with Green Leaves Group (see https://greenleavesgroup.com.au) VET is a wholesale unit trust funded by a group of private investors.

VET has acquired and completed the development of 11 early learning centres across Queensland, New South Wales, Victoria, South Australia and Tasmania (see Completed Projects).

Two of these completed developments were sold privately while the other nine properties were sold to Arena REIT for $63.3m in July 2017 in a transaction that involved the sale of the land together with a funding arrangement to VET to complete the development of the centres in accordance with the terms of a development agreement (see News).

VET has recently completed the settlement of the sale of its last property at Albury NSW under a similar sale and fund through arrangement with the development expected to be completed in late-2020.